person smiling to the camera

Stacey B. Rice

Founding Partner

Founding Partner

Although Attorney Stacey Rice once served as a prosecutor in Anne Arundel County, she has focused her practice primarily on family law cases since 2006. Stacey candidly did not intend on practicing family law, despite her parents divorcing when she was in high school. When she was a prosecutor, she herself went through a divorce while her daughter was two years old. It was then Stacey realized how stressful divorce can be, especially with children. Stacey reflected on how her parents’ divorce affected her throughout her life, and she thought about how hard divorce was for her, especially with a child. Stacey realized that her personal experiences drove her to want to help others going through a divorce or custody battle. Because she was not only a child of divorce but also is divorced (now happily remarried!), Stacey has genuine compassion, experience, and dedication to strongly represent clients through family law cases, including those that involve:

  • Divorce
  • Child custody issues
  • Child support issues
  • Domestic violence protective orders
  • Marital Settlement Agreements
  • Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
  • Property Mediation

Stacey understands the complexities of her cases, whether the case involves high conflict custody issues or complicated assets and finances.

While Stacey promotes settlement of her cases, based upon her belief that an amicable divorce is better for her client’s family—both emotionally and economically, she is a trial attorney with over 25 years of courtroom experience and she has the skills to litigate very complex divorce and custody cases.

Her Commitment to Clients

In every case, she uses her knowledge and skill in family law cases and heartfelt empathy for how clients are feeling to build confidence within her clients. Stacey assists her clients as they navigate through the process of a family law case by sharing with them:

  • Her vast knowledge of the law
  • Her prior experiences in the various jurisdictions
  • Her own experiences when she went through a divorce years ago

Stacey has earned her reputation in Annapolis and the surrounding counties but living by the phrase, “the high road isn’t always the easiest road, but it is always the best road.” Stacey approaches her cases with the goal of preserving family relationships rather than destroying them through this very difficult process.

Experience as an Educator

Stacey is an adjunct professor at the University of Baltimore School of Law and teaches “ Psychology, Child Development, and Mental Health in Family Law Matters” in the Post J.D. Certificate in Family Law, and she teaches “Family Law” in the law school program. She is a former adjunct professor at Anne Arundel Community College from 2007-2014, teaching both criminal law and introduction to paralegal studies.

Personal Life

Most importantly, she is happily married and is the mother of three amazing children. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, running, hiking and volunteering in the community.


  • Appointed, Best Interest/Child Advocate Attorney, Anne Arundel County, Calvert County
  • Appointed, Judicial Nominating Commission, District 7, 2016-2022
  • Appointed, Governor’s Family Violence Council 2020-present
  • Maryland Super Lawyer, Family Law, 2013-2024
  • Maryland Super Lawyer, Top 50 Women, 2016, 2018
  • Leading Lawyer, Family Law, What’s Up Annapolis Magazine, 2010-2024


  • Juris Doctor, cum laude 2000
  • Admitted, Maryland State Bar Association 2001
  • Baltimore School of Law Baltimore Juris Doctor, cum laude, MD 2000
  • Rollins College: Bachelor of Arts, Political Science Winter Park 1994
  • Washington Semester Program: Justice and Law Washington D.C. 1992
  • Member, Maryland State Bar Association 
  • Member Anne Arundel Bar Association 
  • President, Anne Arundel Bar Association, 2018 
  • Past President, Anne Arundel County Bar Association, 2019 
  • Anne Arundel County representative Board of Governors for Maryland State Bar Association, 2020 
  • Treasurer, Ann Arundel Bar Association, 2016-2017 
  • Secretary, Anne Arundel Bar Association, 2015-2016 
  • Assistant Secretary, Anne Arundel Bar Association, 2014-2015 
  • Board of Trustees Anne Arundel Bar Association, 2005-pr esent 
  • Chair, Family Law Bar, Anne Arundel Bar Association, 2022-present    
  • Chair, Community Service Division, Anne Arundel Bar Association, 2011-2012 
  • Chair, Criminal Law Committee, Ann Arundel Bar Association, 2007 
  • Member, Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys’ Association, 2005-2012 
  • Chair, Character Committee of the Court of Appeals of Maryland 2010-present 
  • Mentor, Court of Appeals Mentoring Program 
  • Appointed, Best Interest/Child Advocate Attorney, Anne Arundel County 
  • Appointed, Member, Judicial Nominating Committee 2016-2022 
  • Volunteer,  Calvert County Pro Bono Family Law Clinic
  • Maryland Super Lawyer, Family Law, 2013-2024  
  • Maryland Super Lawyer, Top 50 Women, 2016, 2018  
  • Leading Lawyer, Family Law, What’s Up Annapolis Magazine, 2010-2024